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Today I have Snubbull again, because hexaperfect female never wants to be born!
Details are:
>All are Female, so they pass their ball.
>They are in Love Balls
>All have Intimidate as their ability
>All have 5ivs, none are missing Atk
>Their egg moves are Feint Attack, Close Combat, Heal Bell, and Double Edge
>Currently have 9 available
Reply to this post with your in game name, put a luvdisc on the GTS and you can have your very own physical fairy.
Also still haven't sent to the void:
- 5 Female Sand Veil Gible in Dream Balls, Naive, 5ivs
Egg moves are Outrage, Iron Head, Body Slam, Scary Face
- 4 Male Chlorophyll Bulbasaur in Friend Balls (illegal), calm, unchecked IVs
Egg moves are Giga Drain and Amnesia