>>55954083Chuck's Team:
>PidgeottoRolling Kick flinches Ginko twice, so I switch to Terry II, and eat 2 Aurora Beams as Strength does little. After Terry II's Sing fails, I switch to Bruce, and kill Pidgeotto with Ancient Power.
>Togetic3HKO by Bruce's Ancient Power (thanks to Togetic's Barrier), tanking a Hyper Beam in the process.
Jasmine's Team:
>TentacoolKilled by Lawrence's Vice-Grip (I misclicked) and a 2-hit Bone Rush.
>HoundourBone Rush missed, and I can't risk a followup because Houndour used Seismic Toss. I switch to Foggy, who OHKO's Houndour with Surf.
>GloomDespite Dynamic Punch hitting, Gloom still manages to get off a Drill Peck. I switch to Bruce, who takes out Gloom with Cut.
We're making good progress. As frustrated as I am with Denny and Dewey's deaths, I'm confident that Bruce and Melanie are good additions to my team. I only hope that Bruce can fill the role of the team tank, since Dewey was, on the low, the MVP of the team. I definitely would've wiped to Falkner if it weren't for him. RIP.
>>55956822 (Checked)Good luck with Giovanni. I imagine he'd be packing a sand team if the last gym was any indication.