>>46643515>shit on Goh so much?1) He's not a waifu and took the active companion slot which is generally reserved for the girls meaning Koharu is like the old male companions in the fact that she's just there with the occasional episode dedicated to her.
2) He's a representation for the new generation of kids who are more tied to their electronics than going out meaning most self inserters cant relate to him since they all mostly grew up like Ash who was more active from the get-go. Overlap between the generations is a thing but the representation of different eras of kids is spot on.
3) He's not a battler and his strong Pokemon are effectively "useless" to people who havent realized that there's more to Pokemon than just battling. Ash himself probably could get access to Gou's Pokemon but he's the kind of person to reset his team and grow with them instead of just getting strong Pokemon where as Gou collects them to study and eventually get to his goal of Mew.
>>46643620This honestly looks weird without shorts poking out.