rate me bros
>>45219152putting bootleg Aggron in your top 20 is grounds for being labelled mentally ill i think
>>45219787pretty damn based, I appreciate seeing jellicent in there
>>45219924Which mystery dungeon specifically? Super?
>>45221492>Regice as most favyou did good anon, you did good
>>45221503I find the contrast between liking a lot of "feminine" mons(lilligant, meloetta, clefairy, etc.) and a lot more pointy mons (omastar, naganadel, gliscor, hitmontop) really interesting, solid choices
>>45221741Anyone who likes Arcanine and crobat can't possibly be that bad
>>45221953>Aggron in the top 10A tad too many gen 8 mons to be the pinnacle of based, but you're still pretty damn based
>>45221965Based, though you lose some points for picking the wrong form of sawsbuck
>>45222219While not my taste, I appreciate that like 80% of the mons in your top 10 look retarded, with one actually being retarded
>>45223312Putting aggron in the top 3 immediately makes you based
>>45224716don't really have much to say about this one desu, not bad but not stand out either
>>45225242You can drag each symbol around to make the order how you want
>>45225589please stop masturbating
>>45225745bugbros are always based, even if they are a little too horny sometimes
>>45225933definitely surprised to uxie there, nice pick
>>45226122pretty based, vileplume is a chad. Zweilous's entire line can go eat a dick though, Ghetsis made me hate them
>>45226265>retardlist>entire list is based??????