http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shaNFDyC5UIFalling on your ass, you suddenly lose all resolve and will to keep going. This Ludicolo is just too fast for your feet to keep up, and you figure that might be because of his Lentimian heritage. As it's been often parroted, only Lentimians can beat Lentimians.
Which explains your failure now and Skrelp's earlier pathetically easy defeat. Rather than trying to defeat him on your own and pretending you're a retarded dancing Pokemon while doing it, it's makes more sense to rely on your /actual/ Pokemon to get the heavy duty done.
"Luchy, I'm too tired and am not brodude surfer enough to finish this guy off on my own! You're a dirty immigrant, DANCE HIM AWAY TO KINGDOM COME!"
"Haaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Luchy appears out of his pokeball with a stunning pose that gives Ludicolo high hopes for an opponent of his caliber. The two take position, with Ludicolo aimlessly hoping and Luchy taking on a threatening pose with his arms outstretched and claws bare.
>What does Luchy use next!?A) Rain Dance
B) Swords Dance
C) Feather Dance
D) Entrainment