I should be a Sinnohfetus (born in '99) but I like gen 1 designs the most. It's not even nostalgia because I have seen very few genwun mons before picking interest in it and after I did, I liked gen 3 and 4 the most; it's not the case now.
>>39693862>Post about your first gen you playedGenwun, Red, on an emulator. Although DP was already out and Platinum was on its way.
>Favorite gen/gen that kinda grew on youEh cannot decide. Probably FRLG but I like everything from gen I to IV with the exception of the original Johto games. V grew on me, especially B2W2.
>Favorite Pokemon from each genGen 1: Golduck / Meowth / Dodrio
Gen 2: Houndoom / Feraligatr / Ho-Oh
Gen 3: Cacturne / Swampert / Metagross
Gen 4: Infernape / Garchomp / Lucario
Gen 5: Ducklett / Volcarona / Krookodile
Gen 6: Greninja / Noivern / Gourgeist
Gen 7: Turtonator / Shiinotic / Vikavolt
Holy shit, I unironically had problems with picking best gen 6 mons. And in the case of gen 7 I have picked three great, but the ONLY great mons.