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Hello, I'm here to shill. I'm making a Marnie VN! It takes place in Lumiose City and it involves time travel. I started working on it over a year ago, and I hope to have it finished in a few months. I started working on it long before PLZA was announced, and I really hope they don't end up being too similar in story or themes.
>Will it contain lewds
Yes that is the plan
>Any Yurishit
I don't really know how to write yuri and the player character is male. Marnie mentions a past relationship with Gloria, so I guess she's bisexual. Interpret that how you will
>How far along is it
It's written, like, 90% of it? I believe I have all the character art I need and I'm using AI for backgrounds. I need to finish writing/editing the endings and I need to commission someone to draw the lewd CG's.