>>42078691Mimikyu @ Lum berry
Disguise of course
252 atk/ 252 spe
>Leech Life >Swords Dance>Shadow Sneak>Play RoughMimikyu always leads, no exceptions. Mimikyu will quite often be the only pokemon I'd use against someone. You're gonna use your usual first turn Swords Dance, if you are lucky and your opponent tries to status you, you'll get the chance to use a second swords dance, don't ever get greedy with it. Leech Life is whats going to keep mimikyu alive long enough to KO all 3 pokemon barring special cases. after two swords dances you will be a straight vampire, the other two attacks should speak for themselves
Scizor @ Scizorite
252 atk/ 152 hp/ 100 spe (forgive me for that split I'm just estimating based on it's graph)
>Roost>Swords Dance>Bullet Punch>Bug Bite (gotta get from oras)Scizor is the wall, you're gonna go mega for the extra bulk. Scizor is less mechanical than Mimikyu is, you'll have to evaluate your opponents team as you use it. It can eat some attacks to give you a chance to swords dance and heal with roost. After even one SD Bullet punch is punching holes in the enemy team but scizor's attack is good enough without it. Seriously you don't need to SD with him, like you do with mimikyu. Berries are common at higher levels so bug bite can ruin someone's plan and boost scizor on top if it being his strongest move. Scizor only really fears 2 things both of his moves being not very effective against fellow steel types and fire. Both of which are handled beautifully by Garchomp
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