>>48937387So, I could only get one of Passimian, Oranguru, and Comfey on the Weather Institute route. The same happened with Mudsdale and Kommo-o. Definitely extremely annoying.
>Route 119 MayA usually threatening fight, but she played poorly. Minior ended up running a train on her after a Shell Smash, killing everything except her Mimikyu who went down to the superior Gen 7 Pikaclone (at least when used by me :^))
>Frontier Brain SpenserAn annoying fight, but not too bad. His team is very bulky and strong, but just required careful counters to each of his mons. He uses the first legendary this run, Suicune, for whom I used a Choice Band Trick strategy with Oranguru to cripple then kill off.
And with the Mt. Pyre encounters, that's all the captures I can get before postgame.
>>48937525That's pretty heartwarming. Hope Pelipper can come through on another run and redeem itself too.
And yeah. If anything, I'm not doing this game justice because I'm not bringing up the random trainers. They can be even nastier than the bosses.
>>48937549Eventually it'll probably just become second nature. B/W's early game probably isn't a bad place to begin internalizing it.
>>48938043RIP. Are you doing an autismlocke? I think Cloyster may be too good to use now and you might be better off with a worse but still passable option like Seaking or Dewgong, but it's up to you.
>>48938359I think the main reason why Infernape is usually classed as the best starter even in nuzlockes is that it's unequivocally the best Fire and/or Fighting type in the game (whereas Empoleon competes with a lot of other waters and steels) on top of that incredibly varied moveset with great setup, loads of coverage, and stuff like Close Combat right off the bat. Empoleon is still definitely excellent, though