Owner of a ship breaking yard at slateport, associated with the ship building yard, former captain.
>orowner of a train graveyard/steel recycling plant
former conducter
both can teach kids the value of recycling and the importance of building something for yourself.
>Pouring steel and melting metal/ broken ships/ trainsplayers would move through a broken ship, finding keys/facing trainers, after they go through they see the trainers walk out behind them and the ship move down the assembly line, melted and forms a pouring molten waterfall around a short bridge to my pedestal.
youngish guy mabes late 20's early 30's thought about going higher but decided that he needed a stable life. Good role model for kids and could teach about the road he would have traveled
"yeh to get to the elite four you'll have to take the water route past pacific lodge. Make sure to get your badge in Sootopolis! and don't head too far north, Mossdeep is still smoking from that failed launch!"
>probably 7th gym.4.
>Slateportalthough I think Anville Town would be a more than acceptable substitute. Probably bring in business with the plant, pokemon center and pokemart added.
>Initial team1.high level magnemite, probs magneton
2. Lairon
3. Lucario (bro)
>Rematch1. Metagross (strong lead)
2. Scizor (special shit, acrobatics/ flying gem)
3. Magnezone
4. Empoleon
5. Lucario (former bro)
6. Aggron (bro)
pic related, after battle ferry between platform and entrance