>>53749840>Mixed attacker that barely learns any special moves, minimizing its usefulness as such>74/72/72 defenses as a mono-Grass leave it laughably frail, easily killed by most mons in one hit>46 Speed limits the usefulness of its status moves>has a generally garbage movepool with minimal coverage options>Learns more status moves by TM and Breeding than it does physical or special>As a whole, it's so average that everything can beat it, even mons it has an on-paper advantage over>has Levitate & floats in its animations even when dex entries are explicit that it walks around and clings to trees; on top of that, Grass already resists Ground normally>real life venus flytraps are both close to the ground and boast a level of fire-resistance, but neither are reflected by the ability or typingNow you might think it's useful in PLA, but
>damage retooling turns its relatively average attacking stats into a liability>low speed and defenses means it is guaranteed to die in one hit>moveset is now specially oriented with few physical moves—those physical moves are Normal, Dark, and Bug type>Hisui's powerful Ground types effectively ignore the resist because of Carnivine's low defenses>receives neither an evolution, regional form, hard-coded ability, nor stat buff to help it keep upIt's so hard to love my stupid son who has every disease