>>38949701>>Still not bad enough to affect sales majorlyThat doesn't make it better.
>> Cuts may be due to a huge postgameThis doesn't justify cutting, we should have both, they have the money. Also this is just your guess when it's possible there's still no postgame.
>> Game Freak have a habit of being vague or outright lying to hide stuffWhy would they lie about something that would create a PR disaster? If anything they were lying in pic related because it's obvious they don't give a shit.
>> People are whining too muchGamefreak is rich and these games cost $60, they've already stripped so many features at this point that cutting the Pokemon themselves is an understandable tipping point.
>> Pokémon HOME is the National DexIt's also a paid app, why should we pay to have something that was free in literally every Pokemon game prior to the 3ds era?
>> Pokémon not found in this game could be found in the next gameAgain, why should we pay more money just to use our own fucking Pokemon? Are you saying you approve of Gamefreak deliberately locking out old Pokemon just to sell them to us in a $60 package a year from now? That's disgusting.
>>People will never be happy with anything Game Freak doBecause they've continuously shown us they can't handle this IP.