Disc up if you want something, have as many as you like.
x8 Flash Fire Moon Ball Houndour
x2 Intimidate Moon Ball Growlithe
x1 Flash Fire Moon Ball Growlithe
x2 Prankster Quick Ball Riolu
x1 Luxury Ball Charmander
Nest Ball High Plains Scatterbug - 31/xx/31/31/31/31, Shield Dust, Timid x1
Moon Ball Houndour - 31/xx/31/31/31/31, Early Bird, Timid x1
Moon Ball Houndour - 31/xx/xx/31/31/31, Early Bird, Timid, HP Ice x1 (nicknamed "Ice," I can rename it for you. I don't know of the exact stats.)
Details on the above 'mons:
http://pastebin.com/zRZPJgdaI'll breed more houndour if they go fast.