>>48605561>Framerate only tanks if you turn 3D onOne of the game's brand new mechanics was a 5 v 1 Pokemon battle which completely destroyed the framerate and made me want to run from the battle rather than deal with it.
>chibisThat's not chibi, that's BDSP. I can't think of any example off of the top of my head, but I remember there being more graphically impressive games releasing a year prior to this game. I think one of them was a resident evil game.
The worst part is that XY didn't even age properly, it is nothing like Mario 64 which aged just fine because of its art style. This is a game that came out in 2013 and looks graphically WORSE than Mario 64, that's how bad that art style was.
>KantoshillingI'm not entirely sure what this is supposed to be a response of, so I'm just going to guess you're neutral on the whole Kantoshilling aspect and won't fight you further.
>not known for qualityIn your own pic, you show an 8.6, but that's not the full story. That was shortly after release, when the game held 8.7 for a while.
Now, both games have received a 7.5. You realize a 6/10 is considered average in this industry right? 7.5 is really no exceptional game, in fact that's actually pretty bad for a game, especially one of such high budget as any Pokemon game would have. To give you an idea how bad that is, Black, which was historically the lowest rated Pokemon game, has a 7.7 user score. It's higher than XY now. Not by much, but by a bit.
If you're curious, close to launch day, Pokemon Black and White had an 8.0.
>>48605602, >>48605617Neither of you seem to have constructive criticism, so you two can fuck off now.