I got this pic already, but take off Probopass since it has grown on me now. I'd say Onix as worst Rock type.
>>352247055\16 i can't agree with on (same for the following)
>>352256648\36 wow, you put so many mons and I like just a handful among them.
>>352256670\1 one of the worst starters
>>352257270\12 wow. good job
>>352258920\1 kek
>>352260309\24 (not counting mega\primal but i kinda agree with you here) barbaracle is such a fantastic design imo
>>352263020\1 but i like magmar
>>352263851\3 poliwrath is awesome
>>352274705\16 wow sableye and ludicolo. bad taste
>>352275010\1 there are worse mon tho
>>352275294\10 lugia is one of the few legends i like
>>352275405\12 the spoilered ones are good tho, add dustox too
>>352275591\3 i like a bit infernape
>>352278603\27 i forgive you for those 3
>>3522793111\30 worse taste until now
>>35228010you counted in too many, but right off the top of my head furret sentret zigzagoon togetic and marill are great
>>352282100\1 i don't have that much hatred tho, i think it's ok but wouldn't stand for it
>>35228229156\156 just because you a shithead
>>352282430\2 nuzleaf>shiftry
>>352287563\12 i like sum dragons tho
>>352302435\32 pretty much good taste
>>352306202\17 yeah pretty generic desu