>>54668842>Because Walking wake and Raging bolt look absolutely nothing like what Heath drew up.How bad is your reading comprehension?
Not only did Heath not make the sketches but he saud it was the other way around as in the sketches were inspired by the drawings.
>its how things like Magneton having a paradox that has modern day bolts and screws when they were not invented until recently or how Slither wing was created despite there being no volcarona fossils found during the time period it was estimated to live in.It's pokemon you fucking ape, not real life.
For starters Magnemite has existed for over three thousand years, long before the existence of modern screws and magnets meaning it's existence was never tied to them in the first place.
Second, that part about the fossils was literal bullshit made up for Occulture. We know that everything in it except for the part where it says it was based on a description from the book is fake and even if it wasn't no shit would they not be able to find fossils from the time of Slither Wing because Slither Wing hadn't evolved into Volcarona yet. That's like saying there should be modern chicken fossils from the triassic period because they're descended from dinosaurs