>>16177259The tie was randomized.Barbaracle's attempts to get up are severely hammered down by Froakie's incessant jumping, swirls appear in his eyes, and just like that, he's fucking down for the count.
"Bin, bin, Binacle..." the behemoth's pre-evolution huffs with a furious look before he hops off in search of a new home.
With your first ever defeat over one of the ranger's Pokemon forever sealed in the books, Miss Leading documents it in her journal, as well as a little bit more on top of that.
The maiden looks up at Froakie for a second, then she glances over at you.
>It should be noted that while Froakie is quite obviously the strongest of Calem's Pokemon, it isn't too difficult to throw him off-course. He's reminds me of a glass cannon of sorts, nimble and able to deal an extremely heavy punch here and there, but taking away either of those attributes delegates him to nothing more than frog bait. I suspect these kind of traits will carry on to his both evolutions, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. As evidenced here.>The hero in the making--Calem Calemson--has certainly grown up in *some* ways since he started his journey not too long ago. If one was to ask me what I thought of him back when I first requested his assistance to my untimely dilemma, I would have been unable to answer such a query, for as others thought back then, he was quite queer-ish. Not in the widely-known sense it is known for today, but for the oddity and bizarre connotation it carried in older days.