What does everyone think of this template?
My predictions:
Regional bird will nearly always be Talonflame or Staraptor, maybe Swellow, with Pidgeot for genwunners and Noctowl and Unfezant for contrarians
Pseudo will nearly always be Salamence, Metagross or Garchomp, with Tyranitar for plebs, Dragonite for genwunners, Hydreigon for contrarians who haven't gone full meme tier yet and Goodra and Kommo-o for contrarians who have
Not sure for cover legendaries
Eeveelutions will usually be Jolt/Vapor/Esp/Umbreon, with Leafeon for patricians, Sylveon for faggots, and Glaceon and Flareon for contrarians
Not sure about side legends
Or events