>Enemy TENTACRUEL used WRAP!>MAGNETON can't move!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL used WRAP!>MAGNETON can't move!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL used WRAP!>MAGNETON can't move!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL used WRAP!>MAGNETON can't move!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>Enemy TENTACRUEL's attack continues!>MAGNETON fainted!>>13068891A LEGENDARY that once had no purpose except just sit in a fucking cave and do nothing is more like it!