Quoted By:
>see someone took over my gym
>need to go and rectify this immediately
>on my way there the servers disconnect
>figure i'll just keep walking, they should be back up by the time I get to the gym
>they're not
>wait there for 20 minutes
>fuck it
>walk back home
>halfway on my way back
>servers come back online
>start walking back to gym
>spot a fucking hypno
>servers DC again
>getting angry
>hypno still there
>catch 520 CP hypno
>beat the scrub away from the gym, make hyno guard it
>think i've done enough for tonight
>but wait
>spot empty gym not too far away
>decide to go there
>have to walk through creepy alley (pic related)
>have second thoughts
>go through with it anyway
>nothing is more important than being the very best
>arrive at the gym
>it's in some creepy park with tons of hobos sleeping
>try to take the gym
>disconnect again
>wait in the park for 45 minutes
>keep checking server
>not working
>fuck it
>walk back home
>halfway back
>servers come back up
At least I got a hypno