>>54486340>VS Saturn (Lake Valor)>KadabraSecret hits it with a Discharge. Kadabra sets up Rain Dance.
Another Discharge is met with Psychic.
A third one takes it out.
>BronzorNuzzle Paralyzes it, but it strikes back with Confuse Ray.
I send in Plink on a Payback.
High Jump Kick takes Bronzor out.
>ToxicroakA single Zen Headbutt takes it out.
>VS Mars (Lake Verity)>GolbatSecret's Discharge does a lot, but Golbat survives and gets the proc on Poison Fang.
It falls to a second Discharge.
>Purugly It lands a Slash Crit on Secret, who paralyzes it with Nuzzle.
I send Plink in on another Slash. A Drain Punch oneshots the cat.
>BronzorA single High Jump Kick is enough.
>VS Cyrus (HQ)>MurkrowSpecs Discharge from Secret oneshots the crow.
>GolbatIt takes a ton of damage from Secret's Discharge, then lands a Poison Fang.
Cyrus uses a Super Potion, but it doesn't save it from the second Discharge.
>SneaselIt hits Secret with Metal Claw before getting Discharge'd(activating its Sitrus Berry).
I send in Stradivarius next, as Sneasel Hones its Claws. It then continues to hone its claws, letting me hit it with Brick Break.
>Vs Saturn (HQ)>KadabraIt falls to a single Shadow Ball from Kelly.
>ToxicroakMystical Fire does less than I thought, doesn't this thing have Dry Skin? It gets a Thief in, then on the second turn, it falls to Shadow Ball.
>BronzorFalls to Shadow Ball as well.