Just beat Zinzolin in Lacunosa town (and caught my encounter on route 13), but since the gym is still a bit away I decided to make an update.
The joke of me walking into triple battles unprepared and getting screwed is getting old now game, stop it. Cost me Aten the Volcarona this time, who died before I could really get it online with a proper moveset. Real shame to lose my favourite mon of the gen like that. (also nearly lost Rockstar to a Vibrava's earthpower in another, but we won't talk about that)
Since we just got a dusk stone and shadow ball in the strange house, Gothic the Litwick is next to join the team and got to spent about 2 seconds as a Lampent. Unlike Aten, he's got a real beefy moveset to back up his stats.
Rockstar and Harvest both evolved! Party has some real beasts now, now we just need a plan for Drayden.
Only major fights were Hugh and Zinzolin, both of whom were pushovers and a series of oneshots. The real danger was accidentally talking to the medal guy and spending a solid 3 minutes mashing through dialogue.
>>54826080>>54827490There's no later saves in the rest of the savefile folder either? I'd probably try to recreate the run, since emulator allows you to edit in the same genders/natures/abilities etc. as last time if you're willing to spend that much effort on it.
>>54827138>>54825264Shinx and Shellos are pretty rough losses but that Purugly is a monster.
I used a timid Gallade in my own Platinum run and it did quite well, but Gardevoir will definitely be much stronger if it's modest.
>>54825410Good luck! I imagine sacred gold Falkner is a big hurdle for the run out of the way already.
>>54821953What's Tirtouga's nature? Sturdy Tirtouga with aqua jet is a total bro.
>>54823369Good job evading deaths so far! Namasu should do well against both Elesa and Clay.
>>54818828Damn that sounds like some bullshit. Good job beating that.