Hot days with Kieran...
>>57282380>>57282406>Hmm, from what I've learned by seeking out study materials for writing, there are definitely different ways to develop the same idea/concept/scene, so that one way is better than another. If the main goal of a piece of writing is to make the reader feel something, there's definitely ways for the writer to fail at that.You raise a good point, but like... the books I've definitely have made me feel something. The issue is, that it's absolutely not what the author intends. But then again, there's the whole wrinkle that's the "Death of the Author"...
>I get you, even though in my case it's more like frustration, when the review doesn't tell me anything about the book's actual quality. Like, I get you think Character X is a fucking cunt or that you didn't like the ending or whatever, idgaf really and I may even agree, but did you find it well-written or not? Was it in some way actually compelling or not? Did it stimulate the synapses in your brain?Oh man, so many reviews I've read are like that and at times it's hilarious, and at other times it's infuriating. To me though, it tells that the reviewer's enjoyment (of that piece of media in particular at least) is derived from not from any particularly reasoned path of thinking, but a more visceral and kneejerk emotional attachment. Which, while I kinda want to, I can't really lambaste here of all places.
>We can't make a case for "objective" quality being the only factor, when the reader's personal sensibilities/preferences are also at play.A lack of literacy sometimes doesn't help either...
>Thank you a lot for the insight, really. Helps me get into the perspective of an avid reader, which I consider essential. I think it's great that you keep a critical perspective on everything you read.Hehe. Thank you. And I will say that your writing does have a good impact on me.
>>57283105Pretty much. It has images of Dragonair, Dragonite and Garchomp.