Quoted By:
Region is loosely based on SW North America/Central America/Some of South America
>Grass starter is a Cassowary chick that turns into a Cassowary-Terror Bird hybrid
>Grass -> Grass/Dark -> Grass/Dark
>HA: Tough Claws
>Water starter is a Marine Iguana that turns into a Mosasaur looking thing with some Iguana traits
>Water -> Water -> Water/Dragon
>HA: Swift Swim
>Fire Starter is an Ocelot that turns into a Jaguar with slightly larger than average incisors that hang out of mouth, that turns into a Smilodon
>Fire -> Fire -> Fire/Steel
>HA: Sheer Force
>HM Slave is an American Badger
>Normal/Ground -> Normal Ground
>Abilities: Pickup/Run Away -> Pickup/Guts
>HA: Intimidate
>Pseudo is a Poison/Dragon Rattlesnake
>Abilities: Intimidate
>HA: Corrosion