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Got talked into playing Shiny Gold Sigma and I'd just like to list some events that took place so far.
>Falkner has a Pluck/Hypnosis spamming Hoothoot at level 15
>Bugsy has a level 20 Scyther that uses X-Scissor
>Whitney's Miltank is no longer her ballbuster, instead replaced with a Sylveon that knows 2 sleep moves, wish, and Moonblast
>Sylveon was so durable and so capable of healing through sleep spam that it only died to Struggle
>Struggle killed my Kirlia
>Morty has a Pain Split Spiritomb
>Morty's Gengar knows Thunder, Psychic, and Shadow Ball
>Two of my boxed mons have become bad eggs for seemingly no reason, meaning I am losing Pokemon on and off the field
>Shiny Charm in Cherrygrove
>Pryce isn't afraid to spam Sheer Cold
>weird ESL descriptions on a bunch of stuff, including contradictory information on the same moves
>instead of making trade evos into level up evolutions, they are instead done by a "Link Cable" evo item you get 10 of for free
>Been given nameless Mega Stones but no mega bracelet
>Jessie and James double battle
>The other team rocket grunt duo that Jessie and James don't like involving Cass or something being the ones extorting money by Lake of Rage
>Almost all Trainers now use at least 2-3 healing items for status/hp each
>Random trainers seem completely and abrasively intent to just hand me gift eggs after non sequitur comments unrelated to it
>Example: "I am completely behind Team Rocket at the Lake of Rage, want to take this egg?"
>When you enter the Bug Catching Contest you're teleported to a random small field full of NPCs that has the same location data as Pallet Town
This has been trying.