Not only had he missed with Thunder, but Blastoise then countered with Blizzard and it crit. Rav didn't stand a chance.
Sauerkraut was now the only one that stood a chance against, but was weakened from his fight with Alakazam. Thankfully Sashimi took one for the team and tanked for a turn while I mended our little 'Kraut. I was lucky enough on the swap that it messed up its next attack, leaving it free for a OHKO by Thunderbolt.
So that completes this run of Red. I'm sad that our mighty king had fallen in the end to get us there. I had my little Ravioli since the beginning of this journey - he'd been a mainstay on the team for the longest time, my number two that became my number one bro after we lost Couscous. Rest now, Rav. I will carry on.
Onward to Blue!