>>52609447I thought Gen 6 was a pretty great moment for me and Pokémon. I was too poor to buy a 3DS at the time so I just sticked to Showdown until I got invited to some private servers and I ended up meeting a lot of people that I maintained contact even today. Sadly, my favorite server was hosted by a friend of mine that got uninsterested in Pokémon around early SM and the server died some weeks around USUM period. My friend was a huge animefan and he almost imploded with Ash new look and the Z-Move dances before leaving from Pokémon entirely. USUM was a really fucked up moment to me, people were getting to pessimistic about the changes and I didn't have a 3DS to play the games at the time so I just sticked with Showdown and got into fangames and old spin-offs.