>>28555786>Name or trainer type, or both (if you would rather say something like super-nerd instead of a name or your own "class")class: Scout
>Home regionunknown (edgeville)
>Area of permanent, or otherwise current (or transient) residencetransient residence exploring the western front
>Occupationscout for a world superpower
>Context information; what is the person's story?not sure but i'm imagining them living in a post apocalyptic/still apocalyptic war torn pokemon world, as a scout searching for pockets of survivors and communities for a government that may already be defeated, but which at the same time can't really ever be defeated completely because the war is so entrenched in reality now.
>Pokemon teamshiny ninetails, sun wolf, alolan exeggutor
>A relevant image. Of your bromon, of your trainer sprite, original artwork, or just something you find cozy and fitting. Trainer cards work too.>Keep it comfy!