>>33238136It's practically my only raid stoey since I am a low level pleb with no strong Pokemon other than the off high CP Pokemon I caught wild.
Coming back from holiday and the travel is disasterous because we have to walk between stations at one of 3 changes (to save £90) and with a ton of luggage and no taxis available thats a fucking pain.
Anyway we get to one station and we are late so have to wait for the next train. I checked PoGo and I am JUST in range of the stations Gym, which surprised me in itself since it was the middle of nowhere with tons of stops and Gyms, must have had a dedicstrd Ingress player or two.
Started the Exeggutor raid alone expecting to be pilverised but there where 3 other people there with me. I didnt see anyone around so I assume at least 2 of them where spoofers (god bless you guys) and they pretty much carried me to victory.
Caught the Exeggutor and named him after the place he was caught. Sadly his IV's arent super great but he's by far the best I have right now.