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Trying to git gud with Hyper Offense as my first "conventional" team, since until now I've been winning through confusing gimmicks that metamancers won't be prepared for. Noticing I don't really have a way to deal with Keldeo at all. It can just burn Gallade with Scald, Switches out from Talonflame, and obviously wouldnt care about Pursuit.
Considering switching up my offensive core - I'd like to find a partner for Mega Gardevoir or Mega Scizor. Tried out Mega Lopunny but didnt have any fun using it. I do enjoy Garchomp, though. First time I've used it and if a foe isnt prepared it can just punch a hole through half their team, I was surprised.
Any tips? Considering swapping TTar or Birb out for an Azumarill but I wouldnt know how to use one effectively. Too scared of them burns so I want a lum berry, but Sitrus is almost required to run Belly Drum, and I do love me some unreasonably high attack stats.