>>55682530since you mentioned rosa i'm going to derail this thread and post my personal protagonist power placements
>Lucas/Dawn(Pt/PLA) - literally caught and command a piece of god>Florian/Julia(SV) - didn't catch god, but did catch terapagos, which is the next best thing really. also ogerpon.A TIER
>Nate/Rosa(BW2) - defeated every gym leader and champion from the first five generations>Elio/Selene(USUM) - kicked ultra nig's ass and stopped every villain from the first six generations, all of which had legendaries, and giovanni even had a mega mewtwoB TIER AKA "CAN MEGA EVOLVE" TIER
>Brendan/May(ORAS) - can mega evolve>Calem/Serena(XY) - can mega evolveC TIER
>Elio/Selene(SM) - battled and caught various ultra beasts>Hilbert/Hilda(BW) - command legendary dragon, also beat ghetsis who is one of the baddest motherfuckers in the entire pokemon universe>Chase/Elaine(LGPE) - i just remembered these guys can also mega evolve, but fuck them. they're chumps. that's why they're in C tier. that's what the C stands for. Chump tier.>Victor/Gloria(SS) - i don't know anything about sword and shield sorryD TIER
>Gold/Kris/Lyra(GSC/HGSS) - beat Red>Red(RBY/FRLG) - i know official material wanks him as the strongest but this dude has had his ass kicked by four other protagonists. he belongs down here.>F TIER>Brendan/May(RSE) - prevented a minor ecological disaster