Pokédoko is the all new weekly Pokémon variety show replacing Pokénchi, starring Abareru-kun, Ryogo Matsumaru, Hikaru Takahashi and Shoko Nakagawa
>Beroba Matsumaru's Riddles #3! / Abareru-kun and Orin Muto Visit a Pokénd with Skateboard Skills!Today's guests: "Comedian" Sunshine Ikezaki and idle Orin Muto
Stream at:
http://ok.ru/videoembed/4241317502580 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZeP57xWBI >Abareru-kun and Orin Muto (from AKB48) visit a Pokénd with skateboard Skills! Abareru-kun's sweat drips as he attempts difficult tricks!>We'll also have riddle #3, and hints towards how to win the prizes as well! >Summary:>Beroba Matsumaru's Riddles #3: Hikaru-chan has been turned into a plushie by the Wily Pokémon Beroba Matsumaru?! Sunshine Ikezaki and Abareru-kun try their hands on the riddle in order to save her! A hint gets revealed in a series of Poképuns?