Route 8, wanted to keep the clear path between settlements but added some ledges to break up the travel especially for the player's first visit since they'd be coming from Lavender Town up to Saffron.
>>46657700Done that, when I get more of the map done I'll post it again so you can see
>>46657676Changed all the Window Colours to just a glassy blue
>>46658363Not sure if you're referring to the colours or the tiles but yeah I'm aware that Gen I works on a monocoloured system although the maps could still be done in Black and White, I just colour them in after making them to brighten them up. If you're referring to the tiling, from what I know Gen II uses 32x32 Meta-tiles and presumably Gen I is the same for its mapping and I know those are limited to specific meta-tilesets for multiple maps so yeah I'm pretty sure every map I've made up to this point wouldn't work in Gen I or II and would have to be refitted for that style.