>>27859069>Hearing the door lock with a click, your big sister seems satisfied as you begin to shuffle your way over to her.>You try to avoid looking Plumeria in the eyes as she stares at you.>"Now whats the matter dear baby brother? I really thought your training was gonna stick this time. but then this seems to be your pattern isn't it? I train you to make sure you can properly satisfy all of your sisters, and for a little bit it seems like your training has paid off, but then I hear 'Oh he came before me' or 'Oh he lost all of his energy and just couldn't keep up.'"
>Feelings of embarrassment begin to enter your mind.>"While we go out and participate in pokemon battles, you have to be the one to help us relax and unwind when we come home." >Despite avoiding her eye contact, Plumeria has a piercing gaze that you can feel on you when she wants you to know it.>"I know you get tired, You're a human like any of us. but your big sisters care about you and want you to be the best that you can be. Don't you want to help us be the best that we can be?">She grabs your jaw with her index finger and thumb, turning your face to look her in the eyes.>"Well?" She looks at you expectantly.>You nod in confirmation as she pulls you into a hug, smothering your face in her petite breasts.>"Oh your such a nice boy little brother. You really want to help your sisters. You just need a little help yourself. Well don't worry...">She pulls the to of you apart, her arms stretched out and touching your shoulders as she stares into your eyes."I have a new training system, and I'm sure it''ll stick this time."
>"Now, from what I hear, it seems like the problem you have the most is that you cum to early. Well, I have a new solution to that that we can start working on right now. Go ahead and lay down.">You start trying to walk towards her bed, but she pulls you back.>"No, no, right here on the carpet in front of my table.">>27859595>>27859567next one is for you my dudes.