Changed a bit since I last filled this back in March. Indigo Disk mons wouldn't change anything. Did some finagling to avoid repeats in the overall type favorites, if you can spot it.
>>55044476What you have is acceptable, for the most part, esp. fire and fighting. I'm assuming Fighting is your favorite type, since it's the only one you managed to completely fill.
>>55044900Seeing some good choices here, can't complain about mu-
>Gen 8 "fossil"kys
>>55045256Your grass picks are pretty based. I'd love to say I love your picks overall, but using not one, but two gen 8 fossils means I cannot respect you.
>>55045478based chandelure enjoyer
>>55045622Your favorite type is quite apparent.
>>55045694Nice dragon and poison selections
>>55045915Really nice choices overall. Based Icetails enjoyer.
>>55046442Good fighting and electric picks.
>>55046666I struggle with dual types as well. Nice dark picks. Also checked.