>>14953649The lords and ladies of the respective households continue to give each other bleak stares, almost as if they were contemplating what to say in their minds collaboratively. Really a first any of them has ever worked together on something before.
Headmaster Montahue is the first person to speak up.
"I believe I have a solution that'll be able to satisfy everyone in the room."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up0_8B64fHs"MAZEL TOV!!!"
As it turns out, the one thing that re-reconciled the families back together was marriage. Marriage between who? Why, the lords and ladies of both households simply switched spouses with each other. It was that simple.
It also turns out that the Montahues were actually also a group of very-dedicated Montajews, hence the glass breaking and Yiddish-talk you're hearing all over the place now.
"It's really weird how easily this all got wrapped up, but..." you swish around the tiny portion of complimentary wine you have in your tiny wine glass, before drinking it whole, "I don't mind at all! I've never seen cheating jews get married before!"
It's also worth nothing that the tuxedo you have on fits rather snug and looks kind of cool. Froakie on the other hand, simply all of that for just a collar and a bowtie.
Miss Leading dusts a stray grass blade off of her pink sundress, she too has different and cuter attire for the event, "I can't help but agree. This isn't how the story ended at all, but a jewish wedding is something so culturally relevant, it'd feel out of taste for me to just interrupt it."
"Froakie, fro, froa?" Froakie cocks his head at you, as if to ask if you and Miss are simply just going to disregard the fact that mere moments ago, all of the head honchos wanted to murder each other.