>>53243991Misdreavus, Audino, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, Smeargle, and Riolu are top tiers.
Cuteifly would be on every other team if it/sticky webs aren't banned.
Smeargle is utter cancer since it has access to Spore in a meta with few viable Grass types.
Misdreavus' stats are way too high, it's the fastest Pokemon in the tier except for Abra and Pikachu.
Audino's bulk and movepool second only to Smeargle would make it an immovable wall and irreplaceable utility 'mon. It also has Regenerator. Only thing holding it back is one of the best Pokemon in the tier being Riolu.
Riolu's access to Prankster + Copycat means that it's an absurd revenge killer and anti-lead. Smeargle and Cutiefly setting up webs? So are you next turn. Slap a Chesto on it and you can counter-Spore the Smeargle. 70 base Attack is nothing to scoff at when the only Pokemon with a higher Attack stat is Machop. Farfetchd and Pikachu can put out more DPS with their signature items, but for a Pokemon with such an insane niche already, having the 4th strongest physical attacks in the tier is just the cherry on top.
Dunsparce might also be banworthy. Low tier Pokemon with 2x the BST have trouble breaking through Coil Dunsparce sometimes already. Sure, Riolu could come in and Copycat the Coil, but it just OHKOs your ass right back if it Coils again.
>+2 252 Atk Dunsparce Body Slam vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Riolu: 252-297 (114 - 134.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO