>>51303757and hey, you'd actually be doing something decent for a change.Imagine, millions and millions of years have lead up to you, uncountable trillions of sperm and eggs have been shedded and spilled, and YOU were the one to come out of all of it. Do you really deserve it? Out of all the potential that could've been, what was made into existence this pathetic fuckbag of existence.
Do something worthwhile for a change and show respect for literally everything else in the entirety of earthbound history by offering your spot in existence to something that'll appreciate the wonders of being and existing. Your complaints, depressions, and worries are an insult to not only the human race, but to life in general. So please, sincerely, genuinely, if you are going to be like this, kill yourself.
>but I don't want to kill myself, I just want to be miserable. Then continue to wonder why you have no friends and are not loved as you continue to insult ltierally everyone with your existence. and die alone surrounded and entombed with your regrets.
>I want to live and not be miserable. Then kill your current self by escaping from your hole and never going back into it. Evolve past the disappointment you are today and become someone actually worthy of existing on this planet.