>>19810520>Ace trainer, knock out first pokemon>Milda at 75% when excadrill out (attack with barely damage) excadrill hits to 30% health>Switch to Fresca (75%) after he did a swords dance>Excadrill outspeeds and gets Fresca to 30%>Send out Ronfar (poisoned at 65%) to heal Fresca and tank the earthquake>Earthquake CRIT to 20hp, poison kills Ronfar>UGHHHH>Send out Fresca, OHKO from outsped earthquake>what do I do>Leo comes out, asleep at 75% (fucking amoongus ability, that's why Ronfar was poisoned before), spam hyper potions so that earthquake PP goes >Leo does not wake up as excadrill does two more swords dances inbetween, fuck fuck >Leo finally dies to rock slide after trying to chance attack after using full heal but obviously outsped, at least no more earthquakes>Zophar bites with not very effective crunch (nothing better), rock slide hits 80%, crunch again before getting killed >Excadrill at 10% health>Tangela comes out, heal Milda who was at 30% health with lemonade because there's nothing else better>Swords dance again>Try to stun spore because I DON'T KNOW FUCK but killed with horn drill>Milda out>intimidate>yeah that'll help >Strength >Outspeeds/ kills excadrill What a bloodbath. Milda is the lone survivor and I've used all the good healing items I've picked up throughout the game. I was hoping to save them until the elite four because I made a rule to not buy potions
Struggling to figure out what to use now. Caught a rosella and a delibird since then, I did not see that coming at all
Pulled out growlithe, roselia, grimer, aron, and golduck. Already noticing a bad ground weakness. Any recommendations? :(