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I am a degenerate baseless dwelling weeb who does not give a shit about racism or the real world or real people to any degree and it's still driving me up the fucking wall how many of you are reaching to explain Jynx away and blame the controversy on Le Triggered Liberal Gaijin.
It ain't that fucking deep.
"Little Black Sambo" was beloved by the generation that brought us the first few decades of manga and anime. "Africans" were portrayed with the Mr. Popo face all the fucking time by jap cartoonists. There is absolutely no possibility that Jynx wasn't consciously modeled after a black caricature as a joke.
And ganguro fashion is newer than pokemon, a fact I thought was well known and completely invalidates the entire reason this thread was started.
A lot of you are putting on a show here about racism not really bothering you even while you reach desperate to defend the purity of Lord Gamefreak. They're japs. Of course they're racist. They all are. Just get over it and enjoy your children's video games.