>>53640619>AllergiesI'll just endure and find a way to solve this problem. There has to be a way.
>Sound effectThe time you got status buff. I don't know why but it's satisfying.
>Most/least useful skillset Does Pokemon knowledge count? I guess it counts. Having knowledge on Pokemon beforehand would be very useful. The least would be probably related to electronics, and historian too!
>Cravings It's now or never!!
>>53640689I mean, Lliam has no partners so there's that, but if he has to, I guess it would be Amalia.
>>53640887Yes, yes, thank you for that~.
What an ntr question you came up with>>53641009I just noticed something's wrong with the image I should of used a different one aaaa>>53641090Well maybe. I mean it makes sense, but depends.
>>53641620Adventure squad is real! Funny drawing.
>>53642072I always imagine it like in the games, like two meals a deal (can't believe the games has no meals before going off to a mystery dungeon)
>>53642184But I'm sometimes hungry~
and when Beast notices, Lliam would just point at someone else to take the blame>>53642202I would guess Togetic and maybe even Ross. Lliam would still be awake in his office and goes to bed late or early morning depending how you view it.
>>53642277I mean, after a busy day, I would think they would be tired even if they are nocturnal.
>>53642400Uh oh intruder alert!
Oh ho a new member? Give the details once it's ready! Or it's someone else that already had one up and I'm just assuming yet again...>>53643077Zamn, sorry to hear that. I hope this iteration of /pmdg/ doesn't get devolved into that!>>53643125That would be a cool idea!
>>53643211Something like a Deviant Art group? I mean Booru is still the better option but that requires Linux stuff and I'm not good with those...
>>53643295What a very inspiring Modern Art piece, Linoone lol