>>27152569It has been my endeavor to defend the vital and healthy state of woman against certain commercial and well-founded designs and molds, by showing that the very traits in her character which have given rise to these charges form so necessary and fundamental a part of her own vital equipment that it would be harsh and dangerous to her people and to her nation to even slightly modify or to alter them.
Thus, despite the honest fact that there is much in this discourse that may possibly strike the reader as unfriendly and harsh, if not even antagonistic, I am aware of no other rant, work, or discourse in which such a rounded out and lengthy demand, regarding the needs of today, has been made in the destruction of contemporary false and romantic ideals of today’s whole character of what is considered to be an ideal mate, whether of male or female, whether of on the street or in bed, including the very side of it which the wisest of mankind, and the oldest traditions of mankind, have unanimously and consistently deprecated. It is through this that I use Greninja as a model for this foolish change in the demands of woman, by both those in power and by those in the cottage.