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We're finally having our first /vp/ixelmon run of the Battle Factory!
The first tournament will be held at:
>June 24th at 7 PM EST (USA).
Don't worry about bringing any Pokemon as everything will be rented out. Rules are as follows:
>All Pokemon come as is, any change to move sets, natures, EVs and IVs is an automatic disqualification. All changes will be monitored.
>Pokemon will not come with items so players must bring their own and may fetch/buy their items after obtaining their Pokemon.
>Players are not allowed to change their items.
>Only 3 Pokemon are allowed per player, any player that goes over 3 is automatically removed from the tournament.
>If that player wins a match against their opponent, they are allowed to force a Pokemon trade in their favor.
>Species Clause: Players may not obtain more than 1 copy of the same Pokemon, even by trade.
>Rented Pokemon will automatically be returned to the battle factory 15 minutes after the end of the tournament. Players are suggested to remove their items before hand if possible. Items will be automatically removed when the participation prize ticket is accepted.
The following rules apply:
>3 vs 3
>Level 50 cap
>Mega Evolutions are not allowed
>Dynamax is not allowed
>Z-Moves are not allowed
>Bag clause
>No Item clause
>Species clause
>Players may not have a 4th Pokemon to hide your team
>Players can request a 30 second time limit per move if they wish for a quicker match