Idc, April 1st to 8th has been the peak of JN era as of now besides the M8 reveal simply because of the shitposting surrounding AG and Serena.
>April 1st, Double episode specialThe honey blonde girl isn't in the flashback of 1st part, Rectonfags and antifags had a field trip with that one and flaunted it around like a bottle of Champaign. Chinese Leaker said that Serena will appear next week and there will be little interaction between her and Ash, majority dismissed it as April Fools prank. Until...
>April 4th, first leak of the next magazine artsPic-related from Poketaiwan's twitter started to get circulated, /vp/ starts to discuss it at many lengths due to no results on reverse image searches, Rectonfags get nervous and calls it fanart due to eye-brows, etc, cope cope. Antifags pushes that train, but the lack of source still pushes the discussion, until the anticipation and confirmation train speeds up by Animedia's threat of legal actions due to the broken embargo on April 5th:
https://mobile.twitter.com/iid_animedia/status/1511353261126782978Things started to escalate from there as more and tidbits were dropped over the next day.