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You are a random Ace Trainer on PMS and pulling it thought a bunch of gym leaders and maybe even Elite Four or two. Semi-finals, you are trained to give it all to your battle. You wonder who will be your opponent. Trusty ranger and clever scientists are ready to back you up with skill and strategy.
> Huh... This is some dude. I seen him before, he had Pikachu or maybe Torchic. Not a big deal...
Suddenly some shady dude comes with him.
> "Nothing personnel, kid."
Unleashed some weird overpowered psychic pokemon you never ever heard before. You are pretty sure this is going to be rigged.
> "Fine, we have some dark moves... I guess."
Out of nowhere, some psychotic hobo girl jumps up on you doing possessed convulsions.
> "Imagine defeating me and my Rayquaza!"
> Holy shit, is this even allowed? Well, at least, this nondescript are going easy on us with not fully evolved pokemon.
> "..."
> He doesn't say anything. Just smiling creepily, tosses his Pokeball, suddenly night eclipses day and you see a fucking Solgaleo entering the fight.