with Happy Hour found on Nintendo's servers just as foretold in the leak, although the the OT appears to be different.
Akio's leak:
Alolan form Pokémon that are capable of Mega Evolving can do so, Alakazam and Kangaskahn are among these.
Marshadow, an extremely gorgeous dolphin, has a jewel on its head that emit sparkles so bright, that its seen as the emissary of light. It’s stats are pretty underwhelming, but it has a cool ability that allows it to have any Psychic type combination. The second type is random every time it enters the battle field. Even switching out causes it to change.
The Strange Souvenir item in XY depicts a Ghost/Rock Pokémon from Alola named Gigareki. It’s a giant tiki (different from the Tapu lines) that has an amazing laughing animation when you battle with it. It is said to be the oldest living Pokémon, and seen as a “Teacher” in many ways.
The NX will be a dual handheld/console set for release next year. Sept 2017 there will be a parent game that features both regions of XYSM exclusive to this console.
Rainbow Greninja will be revealed by TPC on Aug 21.
Alolan Alakazam family are fighting type. Alolan Alakazam can mega evolve, keeps the fighting type, and gains No Guard.
Yes. The Z-Bracelet is a key item in your backpack. Selecting it allows you to place 1 mega stone and 1 z stone inside of it. This allows for more crazy strategies because your Mega Pokémon can now hold items like Rayquaza due to this.
The first district you’re taken too has a slightly upgraded Battle Maison. One of the districts has a Lugia/Ho-Oh depending on your version.
All Champions from previous games are able to battled on the S.S. Anne while they’re bored. The S.S. Anne brings you to the districts.
Rainbow Greninja is technically Ash Greninja but with a name change. It will be revealed in the closing ceremony at World’s 2016.