>>27627823So much i'd like to say. But i'd also like to keep my job.
"Er.. yeah. Guess I went a little overboard-"
"OVERBOARD?" There it is again. Symphony of the magnetic angels ringin' in my ears. "YOU THINK AN APOLOGY IS ALL IT'S GONNA TAKE? I'VE HAD IT GUMSHOOS. YOUR BADGE. NOW."
Well. That didn't work as planned. I reluctantly fish out my badge before tossing it out onto the desk. "Right, be seein' ya then-" "AND THE GUN." Crimeny. Fine. I take out ol' ivory and give her a polish before setting her down next to the badge. Gonna miss that gal.
With no words Ieave the office. What can be said? I screwed up big time. but if me screwin' up saved lives, maybe i'm playin' the wrong side of the law. Nah.. That ain't it. Badge or no badge, somethin' don't feel right, and I'm goin' to find out what.
After leaving the police station i decide to:
A. Go home and recollect my thoughts
B. Go for a stroll, look for leads
C. Try to appeal for my badge and pistol again
>>27627930 I remember. good times