Well this is the team. My back is against the wall here, no reserves going into Morty. Obviously I need to do some grinding for my 4 new members.
Wanted to talk about how I got my Heracross
>>436314181st. Congratulations!
It takes a certain tree to get Heracross? Is that a HGSS thing? I had not heard of it. but it makes sense now cause when I went to route 46, I was headbutting a bunch of trees and nothing would happen. Bulbapedia says there is a 30% encounter route for Heracross but NOTHING was appearing. I even left the route and came back to see if it was a glitch I had to "reset" or something. Still nothing. I was frustrated cause that was the only route I could still get it on cause I got Aipom back in Azalea. So I started to literally headbutt every tree on the route in clockwise order. Ended up popping out on the left side of tree when you come into the route. I wore him down, put him to sleep, and it still took 2 net balls to snag him. Hardy indeed
Moving on to the new pairings. Walt is the psychic eggs. Hilarious and obvious really. I also am amused by Kate adding to her criminal record by marrying a minor. But as chuckle-inducing as this couple is, the double-grass-typing signals disaster in the future to me.
Mr. Eko is going to learn aerial ace naturally, I just learned. And he resists fighting.
>antoniobandarasbeingpleasedafterlookingathiscomputer.gifChuck (my biggest gymleader fear) should be no problem if he makes it that far. Charlotte is his wife and water types are almost always good in my experience. Certainly potential there, and funnily enough I think they can both learn megahorn.
I've moved my memorial to the dead section and I am making a leaderboard for widows/widowers. I hope Hurley is permanent leader but if I start having trouble then at least we can make serial killer jokes or something.
>>43632316I count it as the encounter for the city. That way you can't just get an Eevee and a guaranteed dratini or something in Celadon.