Quoted By:
Mega Kangaskhan.
I don't care that people will accuse me of being salty because I lose to it or whatnot, I will always, always hate this Pokemon. When I'm old and crinkly, I will hate it. When I'm in my grave, I will hate it. When I'm nothing but cosmic dust drifting through the universe, I will hate it. I want this putrid piece of shit to be nerfed into the ground so hard it will never see the light of day again even in PU. I want Parental Bond to automatically deal 200% recoil damage to itself. I want it to gain Ice typing just to get fucked by every other Pokemon out there. I want it to be the first Pokemon to have BST removed from it post Gen 3. I want any Mega Kangaskhan users to immediately kill themselves and stream it. I hate this thing with every fiber of my being.