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>Will be announced on the 26th this month. At the end of a pokemon direct about the dlc, they will show Dialga and Palkia's new forms and show the names and release date.
>Release date is: November 20th 2021.
>Names will be Time Diamond and Space Pearl.
>Megas will be back, I have seen megas for the starters, Staraptor, Luxray, Floatzel, Lumineon, Weavile, and Roserade, but I don't know if there will be anymore.
>Giratina will not get a new form, but of course you can get it's origin form.
>Post game episode with distorsion world where you go catch Giratina and then go catch Arceus which has a primal form(Has a Gold metal thing going across it's forehead, and then a light beige cape on it's back, other than that it looks the same.)
>Dialga and Palkia get new primal forms as well(this is a new normal for remakes), but I haven't seen their designs yet.
>Pokemon will follow you.
>National Dex will be back.
>No Sinnoh forms, wild areas, or stadium/tournament style gyms and league.
>Story the same as D/P, but with a bit more dialogue and better pacing.
>Graphics better than Swsh as they are using a much more refined swsh engine.
>I've heard some of the music, and the remastered soundtrack from what I've heard so far is phenomenal.
>Battle frontier and villa return.
>You can rematch the gym leaders(they will mega evolve their ace) and your rival(mega evolves his starter) once a day.
>All features from D/P/Pt back.
>Director for these games is: Shigeki Morimoto.